So I'm in Linz now. After much travel not much sleep I made it to my room. Everyone has been most helpful. This is a picture of my room. And just in case anyone was worried, I have a shower with warm water and a toilet that flushes. This is not a tourist town, so learning German is a must. The population is about 208,000. The conservatory has around 800 students. And organists = roughly 8. So practice time won't be much of a problem. I have access to 3 organs right now to practice on.
The town itself it lovely. Linz sits on either side of the Danube. Church spires dot the skyline, hills sprawl in the distance and church bells ring the hour. Everything is much more relaxed around here, with banks closing for the weekend at 2pm. I've learned that 'walking distance' for a European is a fair bit farther than for an American. If nothing else I will be healthy when this is over. I will post photos of the town once i'm settled and can take some time to enjoy the surroundings.
Good to see you made it without too much trouble.
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