We decided that since we had a full day on the island it might be nice to have some transportation. We had read in the guide book that there were many places to rent scooters, so that was what we were planning to do. Well, we arrived on Sunday morning about 8am, and with the exception of some people huddled around the port, it was very quiet. The entire population of Patmos is about 3,000, and I don't think we saw 10% of them the whole day. We walked up the main street and saw lots of signs advertising scooters for rent, but of course they were all closed. As we were standing in front of one of the last buildings on the street wondering what to do a man came up to us asking what we needed. We explained and he said "they are closed". Well, we already knew this, but we asked when they would open. He gave a chuckle and said, "oh, 1 or 2 months". Apparently the island operates around the tourist season. "But", he continued, "I have a car you can rent for the day, just put the keys under the mat when you are finished". So we rented a car for an amazing deal, and spent the day exploring. I wonder what he thought when he saw we put 90 Kilometers on his car?!
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