Yesterday morning I woke up to this view out my window. I went to Innsbruck with some friends and we were guests of a family who live in the foothills of the Alps. I didn't want to get out of bed, I just wanted to lay there and look at the beautiful view. They were apologizing because it was a cloudy day, but I still thought it was lovely. It has become a joke between my friends here that I am always saying how beautiful everything is, so several times over the weekend when I would point at something and start to speak, two or three people would say in unison "Austria is sooo beautiful!". Hey, it's the truth!
what a striking contrast to my thoughts as of late- although mine aren't so general. usually my impressions are all connected to the weather and since we have no mountains here, well, there isn't really anything that is going to spice up our gray skies- that is unless my sweety is somewhere in eye shot. ;) he he.
I live in Oregon and last weekend I spent a few days at the coast with my sister and her husband. It was the windiest time I have ever seen there! I was fearful that the windows would blow in on me, or a tree fall onto the building. The Oregon coast is magnificent in any kind of weather, it's true. But after 3 days of feeling beaten by the wind, I was ready to come inland again.
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