Montag, März 12, 2007
Über mich
- Name: Linz Organist
- Standort: Linz, Oberösterreich, Austria
"Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living." - Miriam Beard
Previous Posts
- We drove out to an uninhabited part of the island...
- The dark structure at the top of the hill is the ...
- I had been admiring the beautiful water ever sinc...
- Some of you may know of my passion for old, cute ...
- Another common critter on the island is the goat....
- Creatures by far outnumber people on the island. ...
- We decided that since we had a full day on the is...
- Disembarking on Patmos. As you can see our ship ...
- The view from outside the stadium. I know I keep...
- As we hiked through the ruins at Delphi we found ...

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