Freitag, März 31, 2006

The Lentos art museum sits along side the river and at night the colored lights reflecting are just lovely, but it is also nice during the day.
Upriver from the brides the water isn't quite turbulent, but still very full and moving fast.
I took this picture not for the blossoms, but to see the water is hitting the bridge supports and creating turbulence. There weren't any good angles to shoot it from, but maybe this will give an idea.
Donnerstag, März 30, 2006
Spring has arrived literally over night, bring sudden snow melt and rain. Looking towards a hazy Postlingberg you can see the very full Danube in the foreground. If you look closely you can see that the swans are on the bank because the water is too swift to relax in.

I took this looking down from the bridge. You can see how strong the currents are and how murky the water is. It is an amazing sound to hear it rushing past.
As you can see from this photo, the river is too high to allow barges or ships under the bridges, so there is a hold on shipping and travel. Fortunately here in Linz it hasn't really effected us, but there are areas that have suffered a lot from the flooding.
Dienstag, März 28, 2006

Samstag, März 25, 2006
Mittwoch, März 22, 2006
Dienstag, März 21, 2006

Freitag, März 17, 2006
Sonntag, März 12, 2006
Samstag, März 11, 2006
Freitag, März 10, 2006

Donnerstag, März 09, 2006

Mittwoch, März 08, 2006
Dienstag, März 07, 2006