Donnerstag, August 02, 2007

Arizona sunset as seem from a parking garage. You can find beauty anywhere.

Dienstag, Juli 31, 2007

Saturday afternoon found us heading east to go hiking. Where we had intended to go was closed because of so much rain the road had washed out, so we made a detour and found a different area. Because of all the rain it actually was quite cool while we were climbing. Everything is so different out here. Dad thought he would pick a cactus to take home and found out that the cactus decided to pick him instead!
As we were driving south from Flagstaff to Phoenix we went through a mountain range. Made for very slow climbing on one side and then as we headed down the other side we picked up speed. Just at that point Dad spotted this rain storm off in a valley. Then it disappeared behind a hill. So around the next corner I yelled "STOP STOP" and jumped out to grab the picture. It's so curious how all around it can be sunny and then in the middle it's pouring.
Ted and Dad demonstrating how Indians used to keep a roof over their head.
This one speaks for itself. Some teamster as he made the long trek west realized that he was at an important point and sacrificed his wagon for the cause. Or maybe not.
Morning in New Mexico. We ended up driving through the night because by the time we all took turns the night was over, so why stop? I was driving as the sun came up over Albuquerque and not long after I stopped to take this picture.
So, after much thought and a little research, I decided to pack up my bags and head west. Well, it's amazing how many bags a person can fill, as evidenced by our trusty truck. So, accompanied by my father and Ted, I made the voyage across the miles.

Donnerstag, Juli 19, 2007

Lest you worry that just because I'm not in Austria (but I will be visiting soon!) that I therefore haven't been continuing my adventures with organs, allow me to set your mind at ease. Recently one of my best friends, Josh, and I went to Knoxville to check out the new Richards & Fowkes at UTK. The professor graciously gave us as much time as we wanted, and we stayed for about 5 hours. Even though it is in an auditorium that used to house basketball games, it sounds amazing. We had so much fun playing that the only thing that pulled us away was the growling of our stomachs trying to out-sing the growling posaune.

Samstag, Juli 14, 2007

It's been awhile since I've posted here. Since being back in the US I have stayed busy visiting friends and family, but nothing really exciting has inspired me to write. I haven't been really working, but I have been spending a lot of time organizing the next phase of my life. I am planning to move to Phoenix the end of this month. Since the passing of Gustl I haven't been exactly sure what I want to do, but I think this is the right move. I took this picture on July 4th. I went to see the fireworks in Nashville and it was an awesome show!

Dienstag, April 10, 2007

When I arrived in the US I landed in Chicago. I must say I'm not really in love with the city, but there was one highlight. This modern art piece in Millenium Park drew me in like a magnet and I didn't want to leave. No matter what angle I looked at it something different and interesting was happening.

Sonntag, März 25, 2007

Canals and dykes are a common sight in the Netherlands. They are used not only to keep the land from being completely unusable, but also for security. I took this picture at the Bourtange Fortress, which was used to protect the area to the west from invasion from the east. The stronghold is laid out in the shape of a star. So in order for someone to invade they had to not only cross a set of double canals but as they approached they could be fired at from two sides due to the shape of the dykes. I saw an aerial photo of the area and couldn't believe how perfectly shaped it was even though it was built long before the invention of laser and satellite and other technology that would help to design such a structure.
Welcome to the Netherlands! This was my first time to visit the land of windmills and organs and so many other things. I came into the country by train, and the sun was coming up and things were just beginning to get light. The first thing I noticed was how flat it was! I thought I had seen flat land before, but this was really flat. The second thing I noticed was that Holland was made up of three basic colors, and occasionally a fourth. You can see these colors in this picture. Blue, brown, green, and sometimes gray. Most of the countries I have traveled in have been largely catholic, which might account for the colorful buildings. But here the Reformation cast a very long shadow and most everything is built of brick and very plain.

Dienstag, März 20, 2007

Well, the day has come. I leave my beautiful town of Linz in about 2 hours to go to Holland and visit some friends before continuing my journey to the US. People ask if I'm excited. People ask if I'm sad. The answer is I feel a little lost. I'm leaving a place that has been my home for almost two years, and all the friends and things that go along with that. I am returning to a place I once called home, but in many ways I feel like a stranger there now. I don't know exactly what I will do. Everything is a bit unstable, but I do feel that it is the right choice, so I trust it will all work out. And I know that I will return again. I love Austria, the land, the people, the food, the music. I want to thank everyone that has made my time here so enjoyable and hope we can stay in touch. I won't say good bye, because it's not good bye. It is just 'til we meet again!
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