Dienstag, Jänner 31, 2006
Montag, Jänner 30, 2006
Sonntag, Jänner 29, 2006

Samstag, Jänner 28, 2006

Freitag, Jänner 27, 2006

Donnerstag, Jänner 26, 2006
Mittwoch, Jänner 25, 2006

Dienstag, Jänner 24, 2006
Montag, Jänner 23, 2006

Samstag, Jänner 21, 2006
Freitag, Jänner 20, 2006

Mittwoch, Jänner 18, 2006

Montag, Jänner 16, 2006
Samstag, Jänner 14, 2006

Freitag, Jänner 13, 2006
Donnerstag, Jänner 12, 2006

Dienstag, Jänner 10, 2006
is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.
- Plato
Upon returning a book to my teacher I remarked that the author was quite opinionated. He smiled and I could tell that we were about to embark on yet another amazing adventure into the depths of what makes music (life) work. It seems that over time opinion has become a negative thing, specifically if it doesn't correspond with the masses. But having an opinion is an essential part of being an individual, and that is a positive thing. For a dictionary definition: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=opinion If you don't have an opinion, what do you have? Now, I'm not endorsing that we choose a cause and argue for it regardless of its merit, people like that are exhausting. But if there is something you believe or feel then express it! Obviously the author of the aforementioned book felt very passionately about how early music should interpreted. If he hadn't, would he have taken the time and energy to compile such a resource which I can't imagine brought him a handsome retirement fund? If Plato hadn't had opinions would we still be talking about and learning from him today? If artists didn't feel that somehow putting paint on canvas would express how they felt about something in a totally new and unique light what would be the point? And for me personally, if I don't have something to say through my music, is there any chance my audience will gain anything positive from the experience? I think not. To quote another wise man, my dad, "you can't start where you're not", so form an opinion and get moving. Where will the path lead?
Sonntag, Jänner 08, 2006

Samstag, Jänner 07, 2006

Freitag, Jänner 06, 2006

Donnerstag, Jänner 05, 2006

Mittwoch, Jänner 04, 2006
Dienstag, Jänner 03, 2006

Montag, Jänner 02, 2006

Sonntag, Jänner 01, 2006